Is an undergraduate business degree relevant in today’s

In the context of today’s job market, a business degree can help shape your professional life.

An undergraduate business education sets the stage for your success–today and in the future. Not only do students gain essential skills, but it can also help them stand out to potential employers.

Let’s examine a few noteworthy benefits of a business education, and how they’ll keep you relevant as you embark on your career journey.

Your soft skills will improve

In a nutshell, soft skills are “people” skills, and they’re a major factor in landing a new job, networking, negotiating a raise, or discussing sensitive issues in the workplace.

Business students work on developing a wide variety of soft skills–from building a growth mindset to receiving critical feedback from supervisors gracefully. In the process, students become more employable and better team members. Soft skills are extremely valuable.

You’ll understand the value of financial literacy

According to the 2019 Canadian Financial Capability Survey, only about half (49 per cent) of Canadians say they maintain a budget. While Canadian schools are starting to incorporate financial literacy programs into their curriculums, it’s clear we still have a long way to go.

A business education provides students with an in-depth understanding of concepts such as debt, investing, earning, saving and taxes. The bonus: financially literacy pays major dividends in both our professional and our personal lives. It’s one of the best investments you can make.

You’ll learn about the importance of sales and marketing

Here’s the truth: Sales and marketing is a part of pretty much everything we do. Every interaction we have with another person is an opportunity to share, convince, persuade, or otherwise sell them on our point of view.

Business education explores the indispensable roles sales and marketing play in building and maintaining the trust of customers. Without great sales and marketing, a company wouldn’t be able to keep the lights on. Sales is also among the most sought-after skills by employers, regardless of economic conditions.

You’ll obtain the skills needed to start your own company

Feeling entrepreneurial? Perhaps in the future? A business education will arm you with the fundamental tools and confidence you’ll need to start your own venture.

The pandemic has produced a proliferation of new startups and almost 25 per cent of small businesses across Canada were created in the last two years. It’s an exciting and creative era for Canadian business.

Business students have an advantage here, as they study what’s working, what isn’t, and where there’s room for improvement or innovation within the Canadian and global business landscapes.

An undergraduate business degree equips students with valuable skills that are applicable in both their professional and personal lives.

Dr. Wanda Costen, dean of the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University, says, “I know that employers want proven abilities in teamwork, communications, cultural competence and social skills.”

She continues: “We must prepare students to be leaders who understand their role in society regardless of the sector: business, government, entrepreneurship or not-for-profit.”