These Funny Business Cards Are The Perfect Combination Of Corporate & Comedy
There really is nothing like a well thought out, funny business card.
Not only do they genuinely make you laugh (just wait…) but they also create a memorable brand experience unlike anything else. These days, when more and more marketing objectives are being accomplished online, there’s nothing like handing someone a card. Especially a card that makes an impact.
So brace yourself. These selections are cute, quirky, and even a little inappropriate. All in the name of good pun.
#1: Plastic surgeon’s business card
Can you guess what this surgeon specializes in? I personally love this one so much, especially with the little covers on the holes so you get some nice, matching… bumps. Paints quite the picture, don’t you think?

#2: Retired person’s business card
I would love one of these when I’m retired. It pokes fun at the whole idea of a business card in general and says to the world “I don’t need to work anymore. Too bad you do!”

#3: Rob is winning
If you’re a balloon guy, and you’re looking to make a memorable impression, definitely use humour. Rob here is a perfect example. Not only does he poke fun at the double entendre of his own name, but he also poses for a real good picture with his balloons.

4. Bike shop business card
Expensive, but seriously. This business card is practical and genius. Also, please note that it’s Canadian. Extra points.

4. Grass maintenance business
Open this business card and you’ll be gifted with a whole bunch of seeds you can spread on thin patches of your grass. So smart and creative! Apparently you can also plant the card itself because it’s compostable. However, then you’d lose the contact number. I guess there’s contact databases for that.

5. Plumber mini plunger
This tiny little plunger won’t help you unplug your toilet, but calling the number will. I wonder how many of these little guys end up in that drawer that everyone seems to have. You know, the one that’s full of little things (like funny business cards) that you don’t know where else to put.

6. Cannabis shop filters
Such a great idea… and so well implemented. I love that the perforations are only at the top so you can have five filters but you also get to keep the card and put it somewhere prominent. Or actually maybe you hide it, who knows.

7. Circumcision doctor
I feel like this brings a whole new meaning to just the tip. I appreciate the creativity on this one, but i do think it’s pretty inaccurate and might give the wrong impression.

8. Personal trainer business card
Highly offensive if taken the wrong way, this card is funny and puzzling at the same time. Once you tear off the belly, the male body doesn’t really look any better, it just looks like the belly’s been chopped off. But I digress, it’s still quite creative as far as funny business cards go.

9. Yoga studio roll-up business card
I’m willing to bet this one took some manual labour. Also Canadian, this yoga studio not only rolled up their card like a yoga mat, but it also appears to be printed on some kind of foam. I wonder if they’re hand-rolled. If so, I bet whoever hands these out is quite selective with whom they give them to!

10. Divorce lawyer business card
I really appreciate the idea of this, but I do feel that it could have been implemented a little bit better. How does the person with the other half of the card know who they’re emailing? I guess they’re probably pretty upset so they don’t really care, but if this funny business card wanted extra points, it would have James’ name on both sides.

11. Cheese shop business card
This one is probably just as expensive as the bike tool business card above. Among funny business cards, I’d say this one is brilliant. Anything to do with cheese gets lots of points.

11. Bonus: Another yoga business card
Love this one almost as much as the breast augmentation card. Anything that requires you to stick your fingers into it to get the joke gets credit as far as I’m concerned. I like how goofy it looks too, to have the fingers as legs. Well done!

Related: Get a kick out of funny business cards? You’ll love these clever and hilarious tip jar signs.